Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Like sands through the hourglass...

*Cue the theme music* these are the days of our lives...well not ours I guess, mine, but that's why you are reading this!

As I stand in the kitchen of the house that was huge when we bought it and now is too big for me to clean, I think of the term "work life balance" which is something that is thrown around my office alot, because we don't have any, we wake up check email, get out of the shower, check our events, drive to work- check email, get to the office, work so long and so hard (yes I get that that sounds dirty) that we forget to go pee, get home, what do we do? WORK! Check email, audit, etc, even while traveling I live on a steady stream of coffee and Valium to stay alert and calm, but why? Because I/we LOVE THIS SHIT, I wouldn't change a damn thing, neither would us die hard peeps we are very simply crazy. So really those of us who bleed daily deals, our work life balance is work, work and drinking, but it became clear to me yesterday that everyone who has bled that blood, may not always. Granted being bat shit isn't for everyone I get that, but it still never makes a new balance easy (here comes the segway into a link!). Starting at 6am, get your New Balance :) with New Balance apparel on Zulily! 

On a more positive note, I broke down and bought gold glittery smoking shoes today...what the H will I wear those with, who knows but for $9 at Target, yes I can figure it out.

1 comment:

  1. totally herd that theme music in my head!! good thing we share a brain... ohh sissy!!
